OK, so first, you need to enable SSH by following this article: https://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-51/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.vmware.vcli.getstart.doc%2Fcli_jumpstart.3.6.html.
Then, once you are in a SSH session (you can use PuTTY as a SSH client), issue the following commands:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 |
login as: root Using keyboard-interactive authentication. Password: The time and date of this login have been sent to the system logs. VMware offers supported, powerful system administration tools. Please see www.vmware.com/go/sysadmintools for details. The ESXi Shell can be disabled by an administrative user. See the vSphere Security documentation for more information. [root@vmhost:~] esxcli system snmp set -r [root@vmhost:~] esxcli system snmp set -c yourcommunityname [root@vmhost:~] esxcli system snmp set -p 161 [root@vmhost:~] esxcli system snmp set -L "Bucharest, Romania" [root@vmhost:~] esxcli system snmp set -C youradmin@yourisp.tld [root@vmhost:~] esxcli system snmp set -e yes [root@vmhost:~] |
If everything was set correctly, you can use a SNMP browser and get a readout similar to the one below:
SNMP Information
System:VMware ESXi 6.0.0 build-2494585 VMware, Inc. x86_64
Uptime: 9900 (0 days, 0 hours, 1 minutes)
Hostname: vmhost
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Contact: youradmin@yourisp.tld