OK, so you go to the VMWare Appliance Management (VAMI) – usually at: https://<ip>:5480/login and after entering your credentials you get:
Here’s how to fix the issue:
- Access the Vcenter’s console and get to the shell (yes, even if the password is not accepted)
- execute the following comand: Command> service-control –status
- You will notice that the applmgmt service is stopped:
applmgmt vmcam vmware-imagebuilder vmware-mbcs vmware-netdumper vmware-statsmonitor vmware-vcha vsan-dps
lwsmd pschealth vmafdd vmcad vmdird vmdnsd vmonapi vmware-analytics vmware-certificatemanagement vmware-cis-license vmware-cm vmware-content-library vmware-eam vmware-perfcharts vmware-pod vmware-postgres-archiver vmware-rbd-watchdog vmware-rhttpproxy vmware-sca vmware-sps vmware-sts-idmd vmware-stsd vmware-topologysvc vmware-updatemgr vmware-vapi-endpoint vmware-vmon vmware-vpostgres vmware-vpxd vmware-vpxd-svcs vmware-vsan-health vmware-vsm vsphere-client vsphere-ui
- Start the service manually: Command> service-control –start applmgmt
Operation not cancellable. Please wait for it to finish…
Performing start operation on service applmgmt…
Successfully started service applmgmt
Now you should be able to login to the Applicance Management.