[HAPROXY] Enable HTTP/2 in HAPROXY Running on PFSense+
So, here’s a way I found to enable HTTP/2 on HAPROXY running on PFSense+ Go to: Services –> HAPROXY and click on the “FrontEnd” tab […]
So, here’s a way I found to enable HTTP/2 on HAPROXY running on PFSense+ Go to: Services –> HAPROXY and click on the “FrontEnd” tab […]
The script below can only be used as a sample! So, here goes:
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Connect-PnPOnline -Url https://tenant-admin.sharepoint.com -Interactive $allsites = Get-PnPTenantSite -Filter "Url -like 'hub'" $Resultset = @() $Resultset += "_Name;RelativeUrl;CreatedBy;CreatedOn;ModifiedBy;ModifiedOn;FileSizeInKB" foreach ($site in $allsites) { Connect-PnPOnline -Url $site.Url -Interactive $ctx = Get-PnPContext Set-PnPContext -Context $ctx Write-Host "Processing: ", $site.url -ForegroundColor Yellow $lists = Get-PnPList | Where-Object {$_.BaseTemplate -eq 101 -and $_.Hidden -eq $false} #Or $_.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary" #WRite-Host $lists.Count foreach ($list in $lists) { #Write-Host $list.Title $list.Id $ListItems = Get-PnPListItem -List $list -PageSize 2000 | Where {$_.FieldValues.Editor.Email -eq admin@tenant.onmicrosoft.com -and $_.FileSystemObjectType -eq "File"} foreach ($listitem in $ListItems) { $Name = $listitem.FieldValues.FileLeafRef $RelativeURL = $listitem.FieldValues.FileRef $CreatedBy = $listitem.FieldValues.Author.Email $CreatedOn = $listitem.FieldValues.Created $ModifiedBy = $listitem.FieldValues.Editor.Email $ModifiedOn = $listitem.FieldValues.Modified $FileSizeInKB = $listitem.FieldValues.File_x0020_Size Write-Host "_$Name;$RelativeUrl;$CreatedBy;$CreatedOn;$ModifiedBy;$ModifiedOn;$FileSizeInKB" $Resultset += "_$Name;$RelativeUrl;$CreatedBy;$CreatedOn;$ModifiedBy;$ModifiedOn;$FileSizeInKB" } } } $Resultset > C:\temp\result.csv |
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