
Welcome, dear visitor, to our website!
Before discussing the content of this website, let us first briefly introduce ourselves: we were founded in 1992 as Leo Software and started with Zilog Z80 machines. In 1996 we connected to the global FidoNet and in 1997 we became a presence on the Internet. 2003 came with a name change, Leo Software becoming PhoeNIXBird Networks. The same year, we started being involved in servers and VoIP deployments.
We were listed on Who’s Who on The Internet and received the Golden Web Awards in 2004.
From 2009 to 2017 we are an official partner of 3CX (builder of Windows and Linux-based software PBXs). Now we moved to Asterisk-based embedded PBX-es.

We are also consultants on building small ISPs using dial-up modems, DOCSIS modems or Wireless links.

For more than 10 years we specialize in SharePoint deployments, architecture and maintenance (on MOSS 2007/WSS 3, SPS2010/SPF2010, SPS2013/SPF2013, SPS2016, SPS2019, SPO)

We hope you’ll find interesting information on our site and that our site will become a place you’ll enjoy visiting !

The PhoeNixbird Networks (PBNET) Team

3o Years PBNET